Moving beyond traditional engineering and product silos to build lasting, effective partnerships that drive innovation
Written by: Jonathan Haas
“This isn’t what we asked for.”
Five words that strike dread into every engineering team. Five words that signal a fundamental breakdown in the engineering-product relationship. I’ve heard them countless times across dozens of organizations, and they always point to the same root cause: treating engineering and product as separate entities rather than unified partners.
Let me paint you a picture of what usually happens:
Product managers spend weeks gathering requirements, conducting user interviews, and crafting the perfect specification document. They hand it off to engineering with pride, confident they’ve thought of everything. Engineering teams review it, estimate it, build it… and somehow, the result still misses the mark.
Sound familiar?
The issue isn’t bad product managers or incompetent engineers. The problem is the “handoff” itself. When we treat product development as a relay race where the baton passes from product to engineering, we’re setting ourselves up for failure.
Here’s what that process actually looks like in practice:
PM's Mental Model:
Business Need → Research → Requirements → Perfect Specification
Engineer's Mental Model:
Technical Constraints → Implementation Options → Architecture → Code
Business Need ↔ Technical Constraints ↔ Research ↔ Architecture ↔ Requirements
Notice the difference? Real product development isn’t linear. It’s a complex web of interdependencies that requires constant collaboration.
The best product-engineering partnership I ever witnessed started with lunch. Not a formal meeting, not a process overhaul - just weekly lunches where engineers and PMs talked about anything except their current projects. These informal connections laid the groundwork for real collaboration.
When they did discuss work, conversations changed from:
“We need feature X by date Y”
“Users are struggling with Z. What could we build to help them?”
This subtle shift transformed their entire dynamic. Engineers became problem solvers rather than code producers. PMs became partners rather than taskmasters.
I recently chatted with a startup where the engineering lead joined every user interview. Not just the technical ones - all of them. Initially, it seemed like a waste of engineering time. But the insights gained from direct user contact led to technical innovations that would never have emerged from a traditional specification.
One example: They were planning to build a complex reporting system based on user requests for “better analytics.” But because the engineering lead had heard users describe their actual problems firsthand, they realized a simple automated email with three key metrics would solve 80% of the use cases. The result? They shipped a solution in days instead of months, and users loved it.
Want to transform your own engineering-product relationship? Start here:
Create Overlap Zones
Build Shared Understanding
Measure What Matters
You know you’ve achieved true partnership when:
Building strong engineering-product partnerships isn’t easy. It requires trust, time, and often a complete rethinking of how we work together. But the payoff - better products, happier teams, and faster innovation - makes it worth the effort.
Start small. Pick one project, one feature, or even just one regular meeting where you’ll try a more collaborative approach. Watch what happens when you bring engineers and PMs together early and often. Listen for the quality of the conversations. Notice how solutions evolve when both technical and product perspectives shape them from the start.
Because at the end of the day, users don’t care about our internal divisions. They care about products that solve their problems elegantly and effectively. And that only happens when engineering and product work as true partners, not just collaborators.
The wall between engineering and product isn’t real. We built it ourselves, and we can tear it down together.